Based in Melrose, MA.
Serving institutional investors and energy corporations worldwide.
Timely Energy Commodity and Market Analysis
Tailored to Your Needs
Energy Directions, Inc delves deeply into the fundamentals and responds to market developments extensive databases to fuel models and give your forecasts more substance. We offer access to analysts who can help inform your opinions.
You can rely on our rich data, sector-leading analysis, and timely projections to trade, invest, finance, and plan as the energy transition picks up speed and markets strive to find their feet in an uncertain future.
Analysis and Forecasting Services
Recognize the factors influencing markets and their future direction.
Utilize our information to improve your models and investments.
Receive prompt, practical solutions to your inquiries from our elite team.
A Formal Outlook Presentation at your office or at a conference location within the Continental US.
President & CEO
Mr. Smolinski’s energy career started in 1969. With a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University he joined the General Electric Company. He joined GE when the country was experiencing an electricity shortage and left GE, in 1975, after the first OPEC price shock helped to make the shortage a glut. A Master’s Degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management helped Mr. Smolinski join Data Resources, Inc. (DRI).
Following the 1997/98 drop in energy prices Energy Directions, Inc. was formed to serve Wall Street institutional investor clients and energy focused companies who valued the uniqueness of Mr. Smolinski’s economy and energy market analysis and the insight they gained from his research. He is best known for his natural gas, oil and electricity market analysis and energy and economy links.
Energy Directions, Inc provides leading businesses, consultancies, and investment houses throughout the world with ground breaking energy market studies, databases, predictions, consultation, and analysis from our experts. Our goals are to correctly predict the direction of energy prices and the price of energy stock groups as well as help clients better understand the energy markets and economy. Energy Directions concentrates on decision support—helping clients to formulate better strategies and implement strategies more effectively.
More than 100
available reports
Our subscribers gain access to our full library of reports. We also offer bespoke analysis for investors and organizational leaders. Our experts are available to inform and support decision making within your corporation or organization. Contact us today more information!
Learn more about the reports that our clients have found to be the most useful as they make long term plans. To handle business challenges and make educated, more strategic decisions, get direct access to detailed data - by the numbers and with graphics.
Boost Returns on Your Energy Investments and Unlock Unique Opportunities
We offer corporate packages for large energy companies and investment firms. We offer individual reports for purchase as the need arises, primarily for money managers and individual investors. Coverage is from the resources in the ground, the air and sky to consumption by the end user.
Our goals are to correctly predict the direction of energy prices and the price of energy stock groups as well as help clients better understand the energy markets and economy. Energy Directions concentrates on decision support—helping clients to formulate better strategies and implement strategies more effectively.
Utilize our unbiased insights, analyses, and data to make smarter business decisions and increase your investing potential.
Michael Smolinski, energy analyst and economic advisor, established Energy Directions in 1999 to address the demand for fast, impartial research on global energy markets. Since then, our energy analysts have gradually expanded the scope of our research while continuing to provide timely and accurate.
Our energy analysis is used by more than 100 organizations, including oil majors, producers, refiners, trading houses, governments, hedge funds, and utilities. To assist our clients in navigating the subtleties of their industries, our energy analysts aim to highlight trends in energy and finance that are intricately interwoven. Let our energy analysts compile a report highlighting energy trends. Call us today for a consultation!
There are two ways to gain access to our reports. The first is through our corporate packages. These range from the basic package to our enhanced plus which gives personalized research and analysis.
You can also purchase our single reports as needed. These are released as often as several times a week and can guide individual investors as they navigate changes in the energy market.
We accept all major credit cards.
Energy Directions, Inc offers customers frequent reports, regional outlooks, email alerts, data reviews, access to our analysts, and the chance to attend regular events at our international offices while also covering global crude oil markets, fundamentals, data, and forecasts.
We equip our oil clients with the in-depth knowledge and research necessary to inform trading and investment decisions. Additionally, we are one of the few consulting firms that creates a balance that just includes crude, which is the foundation for the vast bulk of global crude trade.
Sound investing advice is based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with energy commodities and market economics, knowledge of historical data, and deep dives into current trends. You’ll find all that and more at Energy Directions, Inc.